These are the songs by Pete Seeger that have been used in setlists.


Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a song (by any artist)41

If I Had a Hammer

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a song (by any artist)3

Joe Hill

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a song (by any artist)1

Passing Through

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a song (by any artist)1

Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a song (by any artist)4

We Shall Overcome

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a tag (by any artist)1

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Performed by Pete Seeger0
Performed as a tag (by any artist)7