Detailed concert and song statistics on Gary Numan based on 525 concerts.

Songs performed6626
Unique songs performed119
Tags performed8
Covers performed as songs9
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Tags (8)

Each column represents the number of tags performed in a concert. Note that concerts without tags are left out of this graph.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2009 8 85 0 27 14
2010 25 267 0 30 34
2011 23 183 0 38 23
2012 23 60 0 33 6
2013 30 342 0 26 39
2014 65 770 0 30 110
2015 10 188 0 53 22
2016 25 476 0 47 62
2017 56 901 0 27 119
2018 74 943 0 32 105
2019 27 514 0 44 106
2021 2 27 0 15 1
2022 76 1365 0 36 146
2023 41 466 8 51 30
2024 40 39 0 24 2
Totals 525 6626 8 119 819

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2009 / March 4 31 0 19 5
2009 / April 3 36 0 19 6
2009 / June 1 18 0 18 3
2010 / April 1 17 0 17 2
2010 / May 3 45 0 17 5
2010 / June 1 0 0 0 0
2010 / July 2 27 0 18 3
2010 / October 11 171 0 24 24
2010 / November 6 7 0 7 0
2010 / December 1 0 0 0 0
2011 / April 2 19 0 19 3
2011 / May 6 101 0 22 15
2011 / July 3 40 0 16 2
2011 / September 7 20 0 20 3
2011 / December 5 3 0 3 0
2012 / May 9 20 0 20 3
2012 / June 4 0 0 0 0
2012 / July 1 11 0 11 0
2012 / September 2 10 0 10 0
2012 / December 7 19 0 19 3
2013 / June 1 19 0 19 4
2013 / August 5 73 0 18 6
2013 / September 3 55 0 19 7
2013 / October 11 156 0 22 16
2013 / November 10 39 0 20 6
2014 / February 9 158 0 20 24
2014 / March 23 290 0 21 40
2014 / April 5 0 0 0 0
2014 / May 6 0 0 0 0
2014 / June 7 120 0 22 18
2014 / July 4 30 0 20 4
2014 / October 7 98 0 22 15
2014 / November 4 74 0 26 9
2015 / March 1 19 0 19 3
2015 / June 1 12 0 12 0
2015 / September 2 39 0 31 4
2015 / October 6 118 0 39 15
2016 / May 12 215 0 41 35
2016 / September 11 219 0 25 22
2016 / October 2 42 0 22 5
2017 / July 5 61 0 19 6
2017 / September 1 20 0 20 3
2017 / October 20 335 0 24 39
2017 / November 13 204 0 21 29
2017 / December 17 281 0 18 42
2018 / March 21 357 0 20 42
2018 / April 1 15 0 15 1
2018 / July 5 75 0 23 6
2018 / August 2 29 0 18 0
2018 / September 23 345 0 18 39
2018 / October 5 85 0 17 10
2018 / November 13 37 0 25 7
2018 / December 4 0 0 0 0
2019 / January 1 18 0 18 3
2019 / September 7 133 0 37 28
2019 / October 18 347 0 32 73
2019 / November 1 16 0 16 2
2021 / August 1 12 0 12 0
2021 / October 1 15 0 15 1
2022 / February 6 108 0 19 12
2022 / March 18 319 0 22 34
2022 / April 6 110 0 26 12
2022 / May 23 456 0 33 48
2022 / June 11 189 0 25 23
2022 / August 3 47 0 20 3
2022 / September 9 136 0 24 14
2023 / April 13 152 0 37 9
2023 / May 18 227 8 18 15
2023 / August 2 30 0 18 0
2023 / October 8 57 0 21 6
2024 / February 3 29 0 17 2
2024 / March 26 0 0 0 0
2024 / April 9 0 0 0 0
2024 / May 2 10 0 10 0
Totals 525 6626 8 119 819

Top Songs

Cars 374 5.64%
Metal 369 5.57%
Are 'Friends' Electric? 356 5.37%
Down in the Park 334 5.04%
A Prayer for the Unborn 307 4.63%
Love Hurt Bleed 286 4.32%
Here in the Black 260 3.92%
Films 248 3.74%
My Name Is Ruin 243 3.67%
The Fall 232 3.50%
Everything Comes Down to This 219 3.31%
Halo 199 3.00%
Pray for the Pain You Serve 171 2.58%
Pure 156 2.35%
I Die: You Die 149 2.25%
Ghost Nation 146 2.20%
Bed of Thorns 123 1.86%
Intruder 117 1.77%
Me! I Disconnect From You 113 1.71%
Mercy 107 1.61%
When the World Comes Apart 106 1.60%
The Chosen 105 1.58%
The Gift 92 1.39%
Haunted 84 1.27%
Resurrection 82 1.24%
M.E. 80 1.21%
Remind Me to Smile 77 1.16%
I Am Dust 69 1.04%
We're the Unforgiven 65 0.98%
We Are Glass 65 0.98%
Is This World Not Enough 64 0.97%
Splinter 58 0.88%
The Promise 57 0.86%
Dead Sun Rising 57 0.86%
My Last Day 56 0.85%
The Calling 44 0.66%
Lost 43 0.65%
When the Sky Bleeds, He Will Come 43 0.65%
My Shadow in Vain 42 0.63%
Jo the Waiter 40 0.60%
Absolution 37 0.56%
I'm an Agent 32 0.48%
Jagged 31 0.47%
Observer 31 0.47%
We Are So Fragile 29 0.44%
Tracks 29 0.44%
That's Too Bad 27 0.41%
Replicas 26 0.39%
Everyday I Die 26 0.39%
This Wreckage 25 0.38%
Complex 24 0.36%
Stories 23 0.35%
You Are in My Vision 22 0.33%
Conversation 21 0.32%
The Machman 20 0.30%
Airlane 20 0.30%
Engineers 20 0.30%
I Dream of Wires 20 0.30%
The End of Things 17 0.26%
Big Noise Transmission 17 0.26%
Bleed 15 0.23%
Pressure 14 0.21%
The Joy Circuit 13 0.20%
A Black Sun 12 0.18%
It Will End Here 11 0.17%
My Jesus 10 0.15%
In a Dark Place 10 0.15%
Rip 10 0.15%
I, Assassin 0.12%
Do You Need the Service? 0.12%
Random 0.12%
Voix 0.11%
Telekon 0.11%
And It Breaks Me Again 0.11%
Crazier 0.11%
Blind 0.11%
My Breathing 0.09%
Call Out the Dogs 0.09%
It Must Have Been Years 0.09%
Praying to the Aliens 0.09%
When the Machines Rock 0.09%
I Nearly Married a Human 0.09%
Sleep by Windows 0.09%
The Aircrash Bureau 0.09%
Remember I Was Vapour 0.09%
Please Push No More 0.09%
Noise, Noise 0.09%
A Shadow Falls on Me 0.08%
Warriors 0.06%
For the Rest of My Life 0.06%
Asylum 0.06%
Desire 0.05%
Are You Real 0.05%
Walking With Shadows 0.05%
Exile 0.05%
The Life Machine 0.05%
I am Screaming 0.05%
Crime of Passion 0.05%
And It All Began With You 0.05%
Dark 0.03%
Bombers 0.03%
Friends 0.03%
Berserker 0.03%
Fold 0.03%
Broken 0.02%
Prophecy 0.02%
Dominion Day 0.02%
For You 0.02%
Petals 0.02%
Crash 0.02%
Zero Bars (Mr. Smith) 0.02%
Listen to the Sirens 0.02%
We Are the Lost 0.02%
I Can't Breathe 0.02%
Whisper of Truth 0.02%

Top Tags

Resurrection 100.00%

Top Covers

(unknown) by [unknown] 66.67%
Love Needs no Disguise by Dramatis 11.11%
Healing by Ade Fenton 11.11%
Crawl by South Central 11.11%