Detailed concert and song statistics on My Morning Jacket based on 33 concerts.

Songs performed321
Unique songs performed87
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs36
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2006 18 35 0 28 4
2008 1 0 0 0 0
2010 2 26 0 26 7
2011 1 22 0 22 5
2012 8 196 0 83 47
2013 3 42 0 27 6
Totals 33 321 0 87 69

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2006 / May 14 8 0 8 0
2006 / June 2 0 0 0 0
2006 / September 1 0 0 0 0
2006 / December 1 27 0 27 4
2008 / July 1 0 0 0 0
2010 / October 2 26 0 26 7
2011 / June 1 22 0 22 5
2012 / July 1 22 0 22 4
2012 / August 3 80 0 60 19
2012 / December 4 94 0 72 24
2013 / January 1 17 0 17 6
2013 / April 1 14 0 14 0
2013 / July 1 11 0 11 0
Totals 33 321 0 87 69

Top Songs

Wordless Chorus 12 3.74%
One Big Holiday 11 3.43%
Gideon 10 3.12%
Anytime 10 3.12%
Circuital 10 3.12%
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 2 10 3.12%
Run Thru 2.80%
Off the Record 2.80%
Victory Dance 2.80%
I'm Amazed 2.49%
Steam Engine 2.49%
The Way That He Sings 2.18%
Golden 2.18%
Mahgeetah 2.18%
Lay Low 2.18%
Holdin on to Black Metal 2.18%
Outta My System 2.18%
Smokin From Shootin 1.87%
Phone Went West 1.87%
First Light 1.87%
Dancefloors 1.87%
Wonderful (The Way I Feel) 1.56%
Dondante 1.56%
Highly Suspicious 1.56%
The Dark 1.56%
It Beats 4 U 1.56%
Cobra 1.56%
The Bear 1.25%
What a Wonderful Man 1.25%
Heartbreakin Man 0.93%
They Ran 0.93%
Butch Cassidy 0.93%
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1 0.93%
War Begun 0.93%
It's About Twilight Now 0.93%
I Will Be There When You Die 0.93%
Lowdown 0.93%
Easy Morning Rebel 0.93%
Honest Man 0.93%
Slow Slow Tune 0.93%
Evelyn Is Not Real 0.62%
Good Intentions 0.62%
I Will Sing You Songs 0.62%
Librarian 0.62%
Tonite I Want to Celebrate With You 0.62%
Evil Urges 0.62%
Master Plan 0.62%
At Dawn 0.62%
The Day Is Coming 0.62%
Movin Away 0.62%
Bermuda Highway 0.62%
Where to Begin 0.62%
You Wanna Freak Out 0.62%
Chills 0.31%
It Makes No Difference 0.31%
Rollin Back 0.31%
Xmas Curtain 0.31%
X-Mas Curtain 0.31%
Octoplasm 0.31%
Sooner 0.31%
Thank You Too! 0.31%
Nashville to Kentucky 0.31%
Strangulation! 0.31%
Welcome Home 0.31%
Old Sept Blues 0.31%
I Think I'm Going to Hell 0.31%
Two Halves 0.31%
Aluminum Park 0.31%
O Is the One That Is Real 0.31%